
Increase file-size limit with Wordpress-Nginx-PHP-FPM

Posted: 10 years ago in  Unix PHP Wordpress

In CentOS with PHP-FPM and Nginx, to change file-size limit, the configuration differ slightly from which in Ubuntu with mod PHP for Apache (libapache2-mod-php5/php5) and Apache. View more

Change media upload folder of attachment based on post type/custom post type in Wordpress

Posted: 10 years ago in  Wordpress PHP

In Wordpress, media files as images will be stored in wp-content/uploads. For website with many posts (create custom post type) / image size (create custom image size), number of images will grow up quickly and it will slow down the page load due to file lookup. View more

Allow normal user input specific HTML tags in BBPress forum

Posted: 10 years ago in  Wordpress BBPress PHP

When it comes to bbPress, it is popular plugin to make Wordpress site a powerful forum. View more

Limit image resolution uploading to wordpress

Posted: 10 years ago in  Wordpress PHP

For start-up website, the host with low resource would help you save money. Hence, there should be a limit in upload files. For website using wordpress, its very easy to hook in and check the image size then block it if size is too big. View more

Add an Admin User to the WordPress Database via MySQL/PHPMyAdmin

Posted: 10 years ago in  MySQL Wordpress Unix Windows Mac OS

In some cases where you lost control of admin user in Wordpress Site or account is deleted, you are locked out of the site. The solution is creating another admin account to remove the old one and do backup your site outside of website using MySQL command-line interface or PHPMyAdmin View more