
Woocommerce - "Add to Cart" does not work as expected

Posted: 10 years ago in  PHP Wordpress

There is annoying problem with WooCommerce (version 2.x) that "Add to Cart" stop working for un-authenticated user. View more

Disable Wordpress update notification

Posted: 11 years ago in  PHP Wordpress

It is obviously that we want to keep our software/website up-to-date with cutting-edge technologies. The notification of new improvment is what developers give us. However, when you provide a package which combined from 3rd party components, it would be nice if those notifications turned off and replaced by your custom after-sale service :) View more

Wordpress-Hide website field in comment form or make a better customization

Posted: 11 years ago in  PHP Wordpress

Wordpress has own comment system which is good enough to let user give comment. However, if you have better design, it would be great you replace it with default form. View more

Wordpress-custom authentication (LDAP, Crowd, OpenID, Restful Service, Gmail, Facebook or social network...)

Posted: 11 years ago in  PHP Wordpress

Wordpress has its own authentication and authorization, of course :-) However, we also have own strong, reliable authentication system, or we may call SSO software. It would be greate if staffs can use one credentials from SSO system to login multi service such as email, CRM, Project Management system...etc, including wordpress. View more

Wordpress-rebuild translation file (PO file) for theme and plugin

Posted: 11 years ago in  PHP Wordpress

Multilingual Website Multilingual contents is a need for e-commerce website, especially in multinational company interesting on cross-border commerce. Understanding that need, most of wordpress themes are translated-ready. View more