YOUTUBE-DL - Good Youtube Downloader in Ubuntu

YOUTUBE-DL - Good Youtube Downloader in Ubuntu

Posted: 10 years ago in  Unix | Miscellaneous |

In order fetch video on Youtube network, we can go to a website then get the direct link using Orbit Downloader/Internet Download Manager or other downloader supporting get direct link of streamed video using Youtube-DL that is my favourite tool

In order fetch video on Youtube network, we can
go to a website then get the direct link
using Orbit Downloader/Internet Download Manager or other downloader supporting get direct link of streamed video
using Youtube-DL that is my favourite tool

It support both Ubuntu and Windows. here is instruction to use it in Ubuntu, Windows users can take a look at official Documentation


To install in Debian

sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip gcc
sudo pip install --upgrade youtube_dl

To install in Ubuntu/Mint

sudo apt-get install youtube-dl

To install in CentOS

sudo yum install youtube-dl

To install in Fedora

sudo yum install youtube-dl


Simplest command to download a video with URL is:


There are few option we can use to get specific resolution

First of all, get the list of available resolution

youtube-dl -F

There is a list of resolution, based on it, we will get specific resolution by id

youtube-dl -f id_of_resolution

If we have a list of URL, put it in a file url.list then use option -a to download it

youtube-dl -a url.list

There is a configuration file where we can use to save common option for ourselves. It is located in /etc/youtube-dl.conf or ~/.config/youtube-dl.conf (per user configuration)

Enjoy everybody