Create SWAP area in Ubuntu is especially helpful with low-memory VPS. This tut in digitalocean is great, very clear and simple. View more
To add "email notification" to an appplication/website, usually, the first thing is setup of sendmail on Ubuntu server. It is absolutly simple. Here is few steps to do: View more
I and my friends got stuck a while. The issue is only reported with 12.04 LTS. Android is connected using MTP which is not supported via GVFS (virtual file system of GNOME system) in stock Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. In version 13.04 or above, GVFS is upgraded to support MTP. View more
Ubuntu also has the GUI for normal usage just like Windows. However, its power is deeper inside the CLI-command line interface. At the first time I am with Ubuntu-Linux 12.04, I used GUI and tried to find applications to do same thing as on Windows. View more
Bitbucket has same features as Github, Launchpad. They provide revesion management for website/application developements. View more