Issue Connect Android Device to Ubuntu 12.04

Issue Connect Android Device to Ubuntu 12.04

Posted: 11 years ago in  Unix |

I and my friends got stuck a while. The issue is only reported with 12.04 LTS. Android is connected using MTP which is not supported via GVFS (virtual file system of GNOME system) in stock Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. In version 13.04 or above, GVFS is upgraded to support MTP.

I and my friends got stuck a while. The issue is only reported with 12.04 LTS. Android is connected using MTP which is not supported via GVFS (virtual file system of GNOME system) in stock Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. In version 13.04 or above, GVFS is upgraded to support MTP.

The fix is quite simple as install new GFVS supporting MTP.

Open terminal and add in ppa:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:langdalepl/gvfs-mtp

Press Enter when see the prompt.

Update and Upgrade packages:

sudo apt-get update

Install mtpfs

sudo apt-get install mtpfs

Restart and connect you android device. It is mount and work like a charm. Enjoy